Coming Home Within
In the Gospel of John Jesus invites us to understand that God has built a place for us within Their Presence deep within. He tells us that in the home of our soul, God has implanted spiritual spaces that we can access through quiet contemplation.
This place that Jesus talks about, expressed as, “in my Father’s house are many rooms”, can mean the deeper spiritual truth: through the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit, there is a place located deep in our soul where we can go and find peace within ourselves and walk in a more peaceful way in the world.
Theresa of Avelia describes this as the Interior Castle.
Jesus invites us, come, journey with Me to a place of absolute peace within the heart of all that is, located deep inside the heart of who you are: “Where I am, there you may be also”
For the next few weeks Pastor’s Porch will take a tour of this home built into our soul. We will explore these rooms in the mansion of our being.
We begin our journey in the basement of the home. Most basements are places of storage or a place more akin to a family room. This basement is different.
This is where the foundation of the home is. This is the place where we start the tour of our house. This base of the home is where all the knowledge is stored. This is where we bring all of our questions and continue to build our home on a strong foundation of faith.
We start this tour deep within the home of our hearts, the deep soul of our being. All of our spiritual resources are stored here: wisdom of our elders, biographies of our faith ancestors., books of the prophets of justice of every faith tradition, all of the wisdom of time and space, most importantly this is the room where our life experiences are stored, our own innate wisdom.
In this room of enlightening, the most important part of ourselves that we bring with us are all those deep questions about life, God, and faith. We can even ask whether or not God indeed exists.
The base of our home is a place of strength. A fortress that is impenetrable by the ways of self-doubt or self-loathing. This is why we start in the base of the house, within the foundation of a faith that supports all of who we are: made in the image of the Divine, born into the blessed eternal relationship.
The Christ in Jesus bids us, come, explore these many rooms of who you are.
The journey begins with the simplicity of quiet, stillness, and presence in the moment.