Coming Home Within
michael young
As we begin to explore the many rooms of our internal, spiritual mansion we must remember that this house is different. In this house the Divine Spirit meets our spirit., the Divine knows our pains, our joys, our smiles, and our frowns. God, the Divine, the Great Spirit, YHWH feels what we feel.
So, it would make sense that the stairs in this house are different because they creak with the sound of our presence. They know what it is to feel the crackling of old bones and bones that carry the weight of oppression, and trauma. They feel our pain as we make our way up and down, from floor to floor.
They carry not only our body’s, but they also carry our pain as well. These stairs feel the pain that we sometimes carry throughout our lives. However, in this house, on these stairs our lives feel free of burden, despair, trauma, and grief. This house and these stairs carry burdens for us.
With each crackle, creak, and screech our lives become more peaceful as the sorrows of life reside. Our own bones become silent as we no longer carry the load of life’s burdens that sometimes make our bodies creak and our spirit moan.
This home built in our soul helps us to let go and give all things over to the God who takes our sorrows and resurrects us to new life in Love.
This home, which is built on the strong foundation of our faith, contains many rooms that help us navigate the ebbs and flows of life. These stairs, that will help us move from the highs and lows of life, are a spiritual reminder that the home in our heart is a place that we may come and journey deep into our souls and find the peace of Divine Presence, within.
This home is a place to come, let go, and let God carry us when life feels to heavy, and our bodies ache and feel weary.
God beckons us.
Come to the home in your heart.
Allow me to feel your pain.
Allow me to carry your burdens.
Come journey with me to the depths of your soul.
Come home and find deep peace within.