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116 West Bellevue Street
Leslie, MI, 49251
United States


Pastors Porch



Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

As it is above so it is below

As it is on the outside so it shall be on the inside

When we think of rules as something that we must follow, Commandments, or we will get into trouble it can create a world view of vengeance and retribution, as it was said years ago in one of my classes, a sky bully theology. In other words, do as I say, or you’ll get what’s coming to you, from God itself. Imagine. Waiting for God to seek revenge for our wrongdoing. How scary is that?

Think, “wait til’ your father gets home.”

Many a little child waited expectantly for the wrath of an angry parent. Many hearts were filled with terror and anxiety as we waited for the “whipping” that would commence. I don’t believe that parents meant to terrorize their young children and I’m not debating to spank or not to spank.

This narrative way of understanding a theology of commandment or rule as a do it or feel the wrath of God understanding takes away a deeper truth about the world in which we live together.

With this theology and worldview, we can then become the avengers, the punishers, the defenders of all that is righteous. That is a slippery slope, a thin line to easy to cross, towards taking on the role of the bully. With a vengeful theology, idea of who God is, or a vengeful worldview it creates quite a bit of anxiety within us and our collective psyche. This is when fists fly, power corrupts, and wars commence.  

If our theology of a vengeful God rules our hearts, we take on the role of enforcer.

I like to think of this as the Golden Truth much more so than the Golden Rule of do it or else.

As a Golden Truth it may read that this is a way of good life for us and our community. It may read as more of a Jesus Way of invitation towards righteousness, right relationship between us, our neighbors and God.

As it is above so it is below. As it is on the outside so it shall be on the inside.

We reflect into the world what we feel on the inside. If our past pain is not healed, we continue to cause pain in the world through self-righteousness, anger, revenge, self-centeredness, and ego first instead of God’s Love first and foremost, as Jesus did.

When we react from a place of anger and vengeance, we are poisoning the soul, the divine, inside us as well as the world outside.

Imagine that? Let’s just sit with that for a minute.

Take a breath and repeat that couple of times.

When we react from a place of anger and vengeance, we are poisoning the soul, the divine, inside us as well as the world outside.


What would happen if we made a commitment to ourselves, our families, and our communities to deal with our own issues of past pain.

I know that many times my own anger felt like a rock that covered and protected something deep. This rock of anger became a protective shield so that I didn’t have to remember the pain of past trauma and embarrassment. It was only when this outer shell began to brake open, crack by crack over time, I realized that the anger was a safety piece surrounding vulnerability. This protective shield, for me, falls away when I step into spiritual empathy, seeing the divine in others as I feel it is in me. I began to see the hurt I was causing to others in my life that did not deserve to feel my pain.

Maybe you’re like me and it feels like a daily struggle much more than a one and done prayer. Maybe you’re like me and it’s a journey instead of short trip to a known point.

These days I cannot say that the words that come out of my mouth are not colorful at times. These days I cannot say that I don’t get angry or that I am simply walking in this world on a cloud of peace.

I can say that the lessons of life, good loving people showing me a different way, and a ministry founded in Christ Jesus has helped me see how important it is that we work to heal ourselves so that we can reflect peace back into the world instead of more vengeance, anger, and violence.

As God has done for us so we do for others.

This is a Truth that can bring health to our world one transformed heart at a time.