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116 West Bellevue Street
Leslie, MI, 49251
United States


Pastors Porch

American Camel



In Matthew 19:24 we hear a discussion between Jesus and his disciples. Or so we think. 😉 We must back up to get a larger view of the famous saying, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.”

We may interpret this as an answer to the question, what must we do now to earn heaven later. Backing up a bit to earlier verses, “if you wish to enter into life, keep the Commandments.”

Jesus puts Life now together with the Kingdom, Realm, Heaven, or place of God later to come. In other words, it is much more about putting the now of life together with the then of life to come. This helps us realize it’s more about an and also way of viewing this one eternal life with/within God.

What if Jesus Christ was talking about righteousness, or right relationship now is life itself. To live a life of healthy, fully human living for us, our families, our communities, and our neighbors now instead of earning a spot in the heaven to come.

As it is with the entirety of the Gospel story, the saying(s) belongs in the larger story of the ministry of Jesus Christ. Just as well, as it is with the entirety of the Gospel, there is an ever expanding, ever constantly deeper meaning contained in the story. That is the beauty of the Gospel experience: to deepen our relationship with the God of all time, of every place, of every heart, and every soul.

I’m reminded of the African Proverb, until the lioness tells the story, the hunter is always the hero.

Is America trying to force the camel of history into the needle of absolute American Exceptionalism? If the Realm of God is true peace, prosperity, and freedom for everyone, will America ever realize how difficult it is for us to enter that realm with the deafness and blindness of a country unwilling to listen to ALL voices of our collective history.

It easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a blind country to see the true peace of God.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a deaf country to hear the voice of God.

May we listen to all voices of our collective history so that we may all live in right relationship with God and one another.

I believe that is the point of history.

I believe that is the point of Life.