My Soul Awakens!!
Some days more than others
My heart grows weary and angry
Some days more than others
The world feels heavy and dark
I can’t see the forest for the trees
Or the sunshine behind the clouds
Some days more than others
It feels like humankind
Would rather hate and kill each other
Then build each other up
Some days more than others
Tears fill my eyes
Grief incircles my body
The noise of the world creeps in
A headache takes up space in my head
Some days more than others
The systems of humankind
Step on, squash, and maim the people of humanity
Some days more than others
Lying still and hidden
Seems like the only way forward
Faith just isn’t enough
Some days more than others
My soul awakens
Anger churns and toils into energy
Saying to my spirit
You can’t have that
Some days more than others
Churning, toiling, awakening
The energy comes to life within
I say
You can’t have that
You can’t have my love
You can’t have my compassion
You can’t have my Grace
You can’t have my care
You can’t have my smile
You can’t have my eyes
You can’t have my mind
You can’t have my ears
Some days, more than others
Love speaks louder
Says to tyranny
Screams to anger
Proclaims to hate
Shakes a fist to violence
Tells despair not today
You can’t have that
My eyes see the beauty within all of humanity
My ears are tuned to the vibrations all around
To the harmonies of creation
Most days
This is the toiling of my empathy
My soul awakens
The ugly parts of humankind
Can’t have my love
It lives within
I get to say where and when and how
My love is lived in the world
In the midst of despair
In the midst of worry
In the midst of anger
Yes, even today
My soul awakens
I declare
You can’t have this
These things are mine
No, you can't make me blind
No, you can't make me deaf
To the goodness that's surrounds us
No, you cannot have that
Yes, even today
My soul awakens
My energy is strong
My voice is loud
My body is ready
My spirit, may be crying
Yes, even today
With a shaky voice
A mind of confusion
A tear on my cheek
Clarity remains
I was born in original blessing
My body loved into being from the dust of creation
The love of the great spirit
Each of these things reside in me
Oh yes, even on this day
My soul awakens
My spirit is alive
I can hear the melody of Creation
Oh yes, even on this day
My hands are outstretched
Ready, willing, able
To hold hands, embrace justice,
Walk with those among us who need a partner
Care for those among us who are in despair
Sit with those who need an ear or a shoulder, or a leg to stand on
Oh yes, even on this day
My soul awakens
Ready to stand in the breach
To bring peace
Oh yes, even on this day my soul awakens
I stand at the ready with others
Who say today
To the preachers of tyranny
To the promoters of hate
To the erectors of oppression
We have seen you tear us down before
Yet still we rise
We are children of original blessing
The eternal family of humanity
The co-creators, with the Great Spirit of God
Of the beloved community
You can’t have what we’ve got
We have seen your hell before
Oh yes, even today, my soul awakens
The Great Creator of the Good Road
Beckons me
They can’t have what I’ve given you
We have work to do, you and I
We rest
We cry
We lament
We swear
We cuss at the stars
Tomorrow we rise
To scream with one voice
With the same hate speech in a different outfit
You can't have what we are building
What we are Co-Creating
What the ancestors of justice bestowed
Today we rest
Find peace
For tomorrow
Our soul awakens
We get to work
Rev. Michael Young