O For a Theology of Relationship
In the opening chapters of Genesis, the origin story of our Christian faith known as the “bible”, we hear the presence of God hovering over a creation in chaos (read “was a formless void”).
One note to make here is the tension between science and faith, literal truth, and spiritual truth. Marcus Borg says something so simple but so deep, “the truth is in the meaning not their factuality”.
The truth is in the meaning of the opening chapters of Genesis, not whether it was ever meant, I don’t interpret it that way, to be a scientific book. I understand that our Christian Old and New Testament that make up the Christian “bible” were meant as a narrative about humanities spiritual journey while being in relationship with/within God and one another, and the struggles there within. Our origin story, or as some refer to it, the Sacred text, is one experience of this mystery we call God, but not the only nor final experience of God.
O for a theology of relationship
Only a few lines into of the beginning chapters of our spiritual creation narrative we hear God say it is good. We hear about, if we listen with a spiritual ear instead of a literal scientific ear, the beginnings of God’s relationship with and within creation. God says this, this here is good stuff.
Our origin story is one of relationship: light and dark, land and sea, stars, moon and sun, day and night, roaming creatures, and finally humankind made in the image of the Divine, “Let Us make humankind in Our image, according to Our likeness”.
All the proceeding stories are stock full of God’s reaction - to humankinds' - reaction to God. We miss that sometimes, or most times, don’t we, living in relationship with one another while being a full part in all of creation and how our faith ancestors interpreted God’s action in history.
If we can understand the long arc of history that is contained in our “bible” we yearn for what God yearns for, relationship. Sometimes we get our part wrong and we miss the opportunity to see the Presence as relationship. Through it all God yearns to stay close and in relational proximity with humanity. Read the story of the snake, humankind, and the two trees. God is not done.
In that story we see the problem, or sin, of putting our own ego ahead of God’s presence. We reach for power instead of a healthy relationship with God, self, and one another. God tells us, no you don’t. That is not healthy with yourself or the rest of creation. Eat of the tree of power and your soul will die. When we eat of the tree of ego and selfishness, we are eating the poisonous and ruinous apple of power over instead of relationship with and within.
We yearn for what God yearns for, don’t we. Don’t we, in the end, truly yearn for a relationship that will help us get through the rough patches of life. Don’t we yearn to know unconditional love forever? I know that I want the peace that I feel in my marriage to last forever. I also know that I have a responsibility to do all that I can to be a healthy part of the relationship so that it does continue to be one of love and mutual respect, for as long as we both shall live. .
What if that is how it is with God. We do our part in this blessed relationship, that began in goodness and blessing, by treating all of God’s family as God treated us, loved each of us into being and breathed life into our souls, continues to walk with us, caring for all of creation.
O for a theology of relationship
I wonder what that would do to our collective psyche? To know that we were born into a loving, blessed, and eternal relationship instead of imagining a God who is vengeful. A God who sends us away instead of inviting us in.
Maybe instead of us thinking of a God who steps away or sends us away we can think of a God who eternally is by our side and will never leave us.
If we can expand our theology from one of vengeance to one of relationship, maybe we can begin to treat one another as God treats us. Relationally connected for ever and always.
O for a relationship that never ceases.
O for a God of our own heart
All made in the image of the Divine
In the image of the Divine, we remain