The thing is, it's not about the thing
At Leslie Congregational UCC we are an Open and Affirming congregation. As we say each and every Sunday as our welcome: Welcome to Leslie Congregational UCC. We believe that all humanity is united and declare ourselves to be an open and affirming congregation that welcomes all people into the full communion of our church and our friendship. We strive to demonstrate in all ways that “no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”
Recently we were challenged, by a young adult member of our church, that we may be falling short of that welcome unless we make a bold public statement to the community by way of a pride flag.
Discussion ensued and an appropriate flag was chosen with the understanding that it would be displayed in a prominent place attached to the front of the church. This would be our bold public witness for all who may need an ally to see that we are here, and you are welcome here, in this place.
The discussion turned to a taller flagpole and that conversation turned to talk about an American flag, if we were going to put a pole on church grounds it would make sense that an American flag would be raised.
Is anyone feeling nervous about how this conversation went?
It was beautiful actually and it’s why I appreciate serving in a church that is open and exploring. Not that we all agreed about the particulars of the discussion. This congregation talked about the differing views about the separation of church and state. Most importantly we were all able to listen to one another.
It was not about the flag, pride or otherwise, it was, and is, about how we treat each other. It was, and always will be, about how we are in community, relying on our ability to have a conversation and not belittle each other.
The thing is, it’s not about the thing.
It’s about treating each other with respect, compassion, and care.
It’s not about the flag, the bible, the church, the music, the creeds, the worship, and so on. It’s about building healthier community in our places of worship, in our homes, in our communities, and in our world
The thing is, it’s not about the thing.
In this day and age, it was quite a nice respite from angry, hateful rhetoric, to see a community talk amongst themselves in a healthy way. What actually happened was the discussion turned to how can we expand our outreach to the community in which the church resides. How can we, Christ’s church located in a small town, help those in need: veterans, suicide prevention, food/clothing shortage, people of all ages, and so on.
Instead of dividing the congregation the “flag” thing brought us together in an exploring way, asking ourselves how we can be allies in our community and how can we reach out to those in need?
When the thing creates space for discussion, compassion, and care, the thing becomes the spiritual invitation to healthier community living and healthier living for everyone: the Beloved Community.
If we can realize that every-thing can be a conduit to healthy conversation instead of an opportunity for division then we may be able to witness the inbreaking of God’s presence in all aspects of life and peace, instead of division, anger, and hate, may prevail.
May peace become the thing that draws us together.