If we are lucky
I was in Illinois this last weekend at a memorial service for one of my uncles. As I reflected on his good long life of 89 years, I thought of how not young I am and how the aches of my body remind me that I’m aging.
I thought about this and how old I am compared to the childhood memories that came bubbling up as my brothers and I reminisced while we drove around our old neighborhood. All the people who were in the room were middle aged now, as I am, or older. We shared memories of my uncle all the while sharing smiles of our childhood connection.
We’ve all been there: remember this tree, remember that scratch, this bump, that car, and so on and so on.
If we are lucky.
I think that often we lament how our bodies ache more and more as we get older. Debilitating pain can be a spiritual weight that some must carry. I have been lucky enough to have a body that was able, continues to be able, to do most of what I want physically. I have never had to deal with being inflicted with debilitating pain or total physical hinderance. This is physical privilege even as I deal with the usual aches of aging joints.
Maybe the hair that is much thinner, the waddle that is in our step sometimes, the loss of our loved ones, the aches, pains, and the just the general feeling of getting older could be a reminder of a good long life. Maybe in the re-acquainting with our bodies signs of aging we can thank God for a long enough life that our bodies begin to give out. This may help us move into a heart of gratitude along with lamenting our bodies aging process.
My hips may hurt but they’ve walked many a mile in my lifetime.
My shoulders may hurt but they’ve carried my children as they grew from toddler to full grown adults.
My knees may creak, but they ran, jumped, leapt, and brought me lots of joy.
My feet may ache, but they carried me over lots of tough bumpy roads.
I may need glasses, but I can read stories that inspire, watch movies that pull at my heart, and gaze upon this awe-inspiring creation of God.
We get older and our bodies begin to change, if we are lucky to have a good long life of physical ability.
We get older
Our bodies change
If we are lucky.