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116 West Bellevue Street
Leslie, MI, 49251
United States


Pastors Porch


michael young

My heart is weary and heavy

Bombs, guns, hate


Dying in the streets

Parents taken 

Lives lost


In the middle of 

Coming spring


Help me O God

I prayed

Help us O God I asked

Take this all away and bring peace

Take this pain away from us 

Make all this stop 

Heal us

I pray


Where are you O God 

I asked

How long 

O Lord 

How Long

Must we wait


Then my eyes saw

My ears heard

My heart gazed

My soul listened 

Upon the earth


Birds chirped, geese honked

Wind moved trees swayed 

Sun smiled memory exploded


God is with us 

From then of all yesterdays 

From now until all tomorrows

God with us 

In all

Within all

Help me O God

Live within your peace 

As your peace lives within

Help us O God 

Be Your peace Your love

Your grace Your strength

Your compassion 

In our time

Guide our steps

So that all hearts

Point to your peace